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A egg which collected by CHARLES DARWIN

In the time of sea travel DARWIN collected a rare kind of egg. This thing happened between 1831 & 1836 AD. After 175 years later in CAMBRIDGE university's collection house invented DARWIN'S rare egg. Collection house's one volantiar LIZ WELTON had invent the egg. When he arranged the box of birds egg & listed them, then he invented the egg. But he write in the note, the body of egg contains the name of C. DARWIN. Collection house's incharge MATHUE LOE when examin this note, then bird spesalist MIKE BROKE'S hepled him to find out the egg's source. MATHUE said "DARWINS 200 birthday will definetly colourful with this invention". He also said "DARWIN kept the egg a small box, so it has some fracture".

OBAMA see hope in world economics

When US economy in pressure but Mr. OBAMA see the light of hope in Us economy. He also hope he'll take come stapes in future to prevent economic cricis. His economic & economy fund team & fedarel reserve's chairman Mr. BEN BARNAKI has a meeting. After the meetimg Mr. OBAMA said to jurnalist, "in mean time we have to do lot of things". He also said "we has been seen some prosper". WHITE HOUSE'S economic advisor LORENCE SAMARS said "in middle of this year US economy cricis may be finised.